7rml& r!Frl&F The On-line help system works by pressing ALT-H from any prompt. Below is a brief description of all of the features found in the program. To get detailed information about any feature, press ALT-H when using the specific feature. The Main Menu is broken into four main modules. Each module has several functions. Below is a brief description of each module and its functions: MAINTENANCE SYSTEM MODULE This module is used to perform simple database maintenance. Some of these features include adding/deleting/editing records. CUSTOMER FUNCTION This function is used to control your customers. You may enter new customers or perform maintenance on existing customers. DATABASE FUNCTION This function is used for fixing or repairing a damaged database. It is also used for deleting old data that you no longer need. INVENTORY FUNCTION This function is used to control your inventory. You may enter new items, update your stock, change prices or perform maintenance on your inventory. SALESMAN FUNCTION This function is used to control your salesmen. You may enter new salesmen or perform maintenance on existing salesmen. VENDOR FUNCTION This function is used to control your vendors. You may enter new vendors or perform maintenance on existing vendors. SYSTEM FUNCTION. This function is used to set all of your system parameters. This function should be selected the first time that you are using the program and when you wish to change parameters. INVOICING SYSTEM MODULE This module is used for all invoicing features. All of the features in the Maintenance System Module should be setup prior to using any functions in this module. ENTER/RECALL INVOICES FUNCTION This function is used for entering a new invoice for a customer or to recall an old invoice. PRINT BATCHED INVOICES FUNCTION This function is used to print all of the batched invoices. Invoices can be batched to be printed whenever an invoice can be printed. VIEW OPEN INVOICES FUNCTION This function is used to view all invoices that are not paid. The user has the option to delete any open invoices if desired. REPORTING SYSTEM MODULE This module is used for generating all of the reports. The reports can be sent to the screen or printer. AGING REPORT FUNCTION This function is used to showing all invoices that have not been paid. The report can be generated for all open invoices or for all money that is late. SUMMARY REPORTS FUNCTION This function is used to show a summary of all money collected for a specific period. DETAIL REPORTS FUNCTION This function is used to show a detail information of every transaction for a specified period. LISTING REPORTS FUNCTION This function is used to generate all listing reports. These reports are all the information that is entered in the Maintenance System Module. SALESMAN SALES FUNCTION This function is used to show all the sales that a specified salesman has made. This is useful for determining commissions. PRODUCT LIST FOR CUSTOMER FUNCTION This function is used to show all products that a specified customer has purchased. CUSTOMER LIST FOR PRODUCT FUNCTION This function is used to show all customers that purchased a specific product. INVENTORY LIST FOR VENDOR FUNCTION This function is used to show all products that are purchased from a specific vendor. PAYMENT HISTORY FUNCTION This function is used to show all payments received from a specified customer. RECEIVABLES SYSEM MODULE This module is used for receiving all payments for invoices. ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLES FUNCTION This function is used for receiving payment for a specific invoice. VOID PAYMENT FUNCTION This function is used for voiding a payment that was received for a specific invoice. ,+,,, /,0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,:,;,<,=,>,?,@,A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K, M,N,O,P,Q,R,S,T,U,V,W,X,Y,Z,[,\,],^,_,`,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i, y,z,{,|, - The following keys may be used while in the view mode: Uparrow Up one row. Dnarrow Down one row. Leftarrow Column left. Rightarrow Column right. Ctrl-Leftarrow Pan left one column. Ctrl-Rightarrow Pan right one column. Home Left-most current screen column. End Right-most current screen column. Ctrl-Home Left-most column. Ctrl-End Right-most column. Pgup Previous screen. Pgdn Next screen. Ctrl-Pgup First row of current column. Ctrl-Pgdn Last row of current column. Enter Selects current item. Esc Aborts and no item is selected. COM SLICE DOC SLOWDOWNCOM SLOWDOWNDOC SORTER DOC SORTER EXE SPEED EXE TRAN DOC TRAN EXE You are required to enter the invoice number followed by the ENTER key. It is not required for you to enter any preceding zeros. If you do not know the invoice number, you may press the ENTER key and a list of all available invoice numbers will be displayed. You may then select the correct invoice number. You may abort this operation by pressing the ESC key. SORTER EXE SPEED EXE TRAN DOC TRAN EXE You are now being asked to enter the type of payment received. You may select the correct field by using the Uparrow/Dnarrow or the ENTER key. Once the correct field is highlighed, you may select it by pressing the ENTER key. The following tendors are available: CASH A cash payment. CHECK A check or money order payment. CREDIT A credit card payment. COUPON A coupon payment. OTHER Any other form of payment. If you wish to abort this operation, you may press the ESC key. EMSCHK EXE ENVCOUNTCOM FATDUMP COM FATSTARTCOM FATSTUFFDOC FM COM FM DOC FSD COM FULLBAK COM GIFEXE DOC GIFEXE EXE GLOSSARYLST HDBCALC COM HDBCALC DOC The amount shown is the balance due for the current invoice. If the customer is paying you this amount, then you may just press the ENTER key. If the customer is paying any other amount, you can type over the default amount with the amount that you have received. Press the ENTER key after you have entered the amount. You may abort this operation by pressing the ESC key. SPEED EXE TRAN DOC TRAN EXE You may select the correct option by moving the highlighting the desired option. You may do this by pressing the left arrow and right arrow keys. Once the desired option is highlighted, you may select it by pressing the ENTER key. SLICE DOC SLOWDOWNCOM SLOWDOWNDOC SORTER DOC SORTER EXE SPEED EXE TRAN DOC TRAN EXE This is a brief description of your current options: EXIT Abort the voiding of a payment. VOID Void the current payment. PGDN Display the next payment for the current invoice. PGUP Display the prev payment for the current invoice. SLOWDOWNCOM SLOWDOWNDOC SORTER DOC SORTER EXE SPEED EXE TRAN DOC TRAN EXE Since you have no customers entered into the system, you are restricted to the following two commands: EXIT Exit from Customer Maintenance. ADD Add a new customer and enter all of the required data. SLICE DOC SLOWDOWNCOM SLOWDOWNDOC SORTER DOC SORTER EXE SPEED EXE TRAN DOC TRAN EXE The following commands are supported for Customer Maintenance: EXIT Exit from Customer Maintenance. ADD Add a new customer with all of the required data. EDIT Edit information for the current customer displayed. DEL Delete the current customer from the system. SEARCH Search for a specified customer. You may search on the company name or customer number. VIEW View all customers starting from the current customer. NOTES Take notes on the current customer. There is no limit the number of notes that can be taken. CALL Dial the current customer phone number. This feature only works if the modem has been selected in System Maintenance. PGDN Display the next customer. PGUP Display the previous customer. The following data can be entered when adding a new customer: CUSTOMER NUMBER A unique 8 digit number that identifies the company. If you wish to accept the default number by pressing ENTER or you may edit this number to the desired one. CREDIT The credit limit that you wish to issue to the customer. You have the option to override this value when generating an invoice. COMPANY NAME Te company name of the customer. CONTACT The name of your contact for the company. STATE TAX The percentage of the state sales tax that you wish to charge the customer. If the customer is tax exempt, then leave this value at zero. FEDERAL TAX The percentage of the federal sales tax that you wish to charge the customer. If the customer is tax exempt, then leave this value at zero. PHONE The phone number of the company. EXT The phone extension of the phone number. SALESMAN The customers assigned salesman. TAX SHIPPING If shipping is taxable then enter 'Y' for this field otherwise enter an 'N'. FAX NUMBER The fax number of the company. SHIPPING ADDRESS The shipping addess of the company. BILLING ADDRSS The billing address of the company. EMSCHK EXE ENVCOUNTCOM FATDUMP COM FATSTARTCOM FATSTUFFDOC FM COM FM DOC FSD COM FULLBAK COM GIFEXE DOC GIFEXE EXE GLOSSARYLST HDBCALC COM HDBCALC DOC The following payment terms are available. You may select the term by scrolling to the desired one by use of the up arrow and down arrow keys. When the desired term is highighted, you may select it by pressing the ENTER key. The following payment terms are available: PAYMENT Payment is being made at time of sale. The invoice system will automatically go into the receivables system when this term is selected. NET 10 The customer has 10 days to pay the invoice in full from the date of the invoice. NET 30 The customer has 30 days to pay the invoice in full from the date of the invoice. NET 60 The customer has 60 days to pay the invoice in full from the date of the invoice. NET 90 The customer has 90 days to pay the invoice in full from the date of the invoice. NET 120 The customer has 120 days to pay the invoice in full from the date of the invoice. COD Payment is due in full when the products are received. DUMP COM FATSTARTCOM FATSTUFFDOC FM COM FM DOC FSD COM FULLBAK COM GIFEXE DOC GIFEXE EXE GLOSSARYLST HDBCALC COM HDBCALC DOC The following data can be entered when editing the customer data. Please note that the customer number cannot be changed. CREDIT The credit limit that you wish to issue to the customer. You have the option to override this value when generating an invoice. COMPANY NAME Te company name of the customer. CONTACT The name of your contact for the company. STATE TAX The percentage of the state sales tax that you wish to charge the customer. If the customer is tax exempt, then leave this value at zero. FEDERAL TAX The percentage of the federal sales tax that you wish to charge the customer. If the customer is tax exempt, then leave this value at zero. PHONE The phone number of the company. EXT The phone extension of the phone number. SALESMAN The customers assigned salesman. TAX SHIPPING If shipping is taxable then enter 'Y' for this field otherwise enter an 'N'. FAX NUMBER The fax number of the company. SHIPPING ADDRESS The shipping addess of the company. BILLING ADDRSS The billing address of the company. XCLONE COM XCLONE DOC XPATH EXE XPORT DOC The customer seach can be done by either the customer number or the company name. If you desire to search by customer number, then entire customer number must be entered into the search field. Preceding zeros are not required. If you you desire to search by company name, only a few characters are required to search. The first company name that matches the characters that you have entered will be searched. If the search finds the desired customer, this customer will be displayed on the screen. If the search fails, an error will be displayed. USE COM MOUSECTLCOM MOUSECTLDOC NE COM NOISE ASM NOISE COM NOISE DOC NOISEMAKBAT NOKEY COM NOKEY DOC NOSLOW COM PB2DAT C PB2DAT EXE PCLOCK COM You are required to press a key on the keyboard after the modem starts to dial your number. This is necessary so that the program can disengage your modem from the connection. It is important to note that you should not press the key until the modem has completly dialed the number. NOKEY COM NOKEY DOC NOSLOW COM PB2DAT C PB2DAT EXE PCLOCK COM The following keys are available when editing: Ctrl-Y Delete the current line. Ctrl-T Delete the word right. Ctrl-B Reform paragraph. Ins Toggle insert mode. Ctrl-W Finish editing with save. Esc Abort edit. RULER RULER COM RULER DOC SEEMEM DOC SEEMEM EXE SETTRAP EXE SFC DOC The following features are supported for Database Maintanance. They are as follows: REBUILD ALL DATABASES This feature allows you to rebuild all of the databases. This should only be done if you have experienced a fatal hard disk crash. You may also wish to use this feature if your application runs under a network and you wish to conserve space. DELETE OLD PAID INVOICES This feature allows you to delete old paid invoices from the system. Remember that once an invoice has been deleted, it can never be restored and its financial information will not be used when generating reports. DELETE BATCH INVOICES This feature allows you to delete all invoices that have been batched. This should only be used if you batched some invoices and decided not to print them. This exits from Database Maintenance. You have selected to delete old invoices from the system. This feature should be used only with special care. Once an invoice has been deleted from the system, it can never be restored. All of the financial data requires access to the invoice data. Do not delete any invoices that you must generate reports for. You are able to select the invoice date range to delete. This date is the date that the invoice has been created. The invoices that are to be deleted fall in the range of FIRST DATE and LAST DATE. No other invoices will be deleted. 0<> R6002 - floating poiSince you have no inventory entered into the system, you are restricted to the following two commands: EXIT Exit from Inventory Maintenance. ADD Add a new item and enter all of the required data. FM DOC FSD COM FULLBAK COM GIFEXE DOC GIFEXE EXE GLOSSARYLST HDBCALC COM HDBCALC DOC The following commands are supported for Inventory Maintenance: EXIT Exit from Inventory Maintenance. ADD Add a new item with all of the required data. EDIT Edit information for the current item displayed. DEL Delete the current item from the system. SEARCH Search for a specified item. You may search on the product description or product code. VIEW View all inventory starting from the current item. UPDATE Update the stock for the current item. PGDN Display the next item. PGUP Display the previous item. The following data can be entered when adding an item: PRODUCT CODE A unique 10 digit number that identifies the product. If you wish to accept the default number by pressing ENTER or you may edit this number to the desired one. VEND # The vendor number. This number should reflect the vendor that found in Vendor Maintenance. DESC The product description. This will be printed on the invoice. PRICE This is the selling price of the product. COST This is the price that you purchased the product for. STOCK The number of items that you have in stock. LOW STOCK If your stock goes below this amount, you wish to reorder. WEIGHT The weight of a single item. TAXABLE Enter 'Y' if this item is taxable or enter 'N' is this item is non-taxable. DETAIL You may enter a four line detail description of your product. EXREAD ME HOTKEY COM HOTKEY DOC INTERRUPLST LIST COM LJVGA COM LJVGA TXT LOCK EXE LOG COM LOG DOC MAP COM The following data can be entered when editing an item. Please note that the product code can not be changed: VEND # The vendor number. This number should reflect the vendor that found in Vendor Maintenance. DESC The product description. This will be printed on the invoice. PRICE This is the selling price of the product. COST This is the price that you purchased the product for. STOCK The number of items that you have in stock. LOW STOCK If your stock goes below this amount, you wish to reorder. WEIGHT The weight of a single item. TAXABLE Enter 'Y' if this item is taxable or enter 'N' is this item is non-taxable. DETAIL You may enter a four line detail description of your product. RAN EXE The inventory seach can be done by either the product code or the product description. If you desire to search by product code, then entire product code must be entered into the search field. Preceding zeros are not required. If you you desire to search by product description, only a few characters are required to search. The first item that matches the characters that you have entered will be searched. If the search finds the desired item, this item will be displayed on the screen. If the search fails, an error will be displayed. 0<> R6002 - floating point You may enter the number of new items that you wish to enter into inventory. Please note that this is not an inventory stock count, but is the number of new items that you wish to enter into inventory. You may cancel thsi opertion by pressing the key. NOISEMAKBAT NOKEY COM NOKEY DOC NOSLOW COM PB2DAT C PB2DAT EXE PCLOCK COM You have the following options in the main menu of the Invoice System: EXIT Exit from the Invoice System. NEW INVOICE Enter a new invoice into the system. RECALL INVOICE Recall an existing invoice. NOISE DOC NOISEMAKBAT NOKEY COM NOKEY DOC NOSLOW COM PB2DAT C PB2DAT EXE PCLOCK COM You may recall existing customer information or enter a new customer at this point. If you wish to recall existing customer information, you may enter the customer number or the part of the customer name. If you desire to use the customer number as the search, you must enter the entire customer number (Preceding zeros are not needed). If you desire to use part of the customer name, the first customer that matches your search will be returned. To enter a new customer, you may press F10. You may now enter all of the customer information. After entering this information, this will become your current customer. You may abort this operation by pressing the key. PRUNE DOC RELEASE COM RENDIR COM RULER RULER COM RULER DOC SEEMEM DOC SEEMEM EXE SETTRAP EXE SFC DOC Since you have no products entered on the invoice, only the following options are allowed: ABORT Abort this invoice. EDIT DETAIL Edit the detail information. ADD MORE PROD Add more products to the invoice. The following options are allowed: ABORT Abort this invoice. EDIT DETAIL Edit the detail information. ADD MORE PROD Add more products to the invoice. SAVE ORDER Save the current invoice. EDIT PROD Edit one of the products on the invoice. DEL PROD Delete one of the products on the invoice. LOG COM LOG DOC MAP COM You are required to enter the Invoice Number and Invoice Date. If you wish to accept the default values, then press the ENTER If you wish to enter your own values, you may type over the existing values. Please be very careful if you wish to change the invoice number. If you select an invoice number that already exists, the next available invoice number will be used. Once an invoice number has been generated, it can never be changed. TRAN EXE To select the desired item, move the highlight by use of the up arrow and down arrow keys. When the desired item is highlighted, you may select it by pressing the ENTER key. NOISE ASM NOISE COM NOISE DOC NOISEMAKBAT NOKEY COM NOKEY DOC NOSLOW COM PB2DAT C PB2DAT EXE PCLOCK COM If you wish to accept the default product description, then press the ENTER key. If you wish to change the product description, you may type over the current one followed by the ENTER key. You may abort this operation by pressing the key. ISE DOC NOISEMAKBAT NOKEY COM NOKEY DOC NOSLOW COM PB2DAT C PB2DAT EXE PCLOCK COM If you wish to accept the default quantity, you may press the ENTER key. If you wish to enter a new quantity, you may then type over the existing one and followed by the ENTER key. You may abort this operation by pressing the key. NOISE DOC NOISEMAKBAT NOKEY COM NOKEY DOC NOSLOW COM PB2DAT C PB2DAT EXE PCLOCK COM If you wish to accept the current price, you may press the ENTER If you wish to change this price, you may type over the existing price followed by the ENTER key. You may abort this operation by pressing the key. RENDIR COM RULER RULER COM RULER DOC SEEMEM DOC SEEMEM EXE SETTRAP EXE SFC DOC You may perform the following commands for the current invoice: DONE Done processing this invoice. PRINT NOW Print the current invoice now. PRINT LATER Batch the current invoice so that it may be printed later. You may perform the following commands for the current invoice: DONE Done processing this invoice. PRINT NOW Print the current invoice now. PRINT LATER Batch the current invoice so that it may be printed later. VOID Void the current invoice and return all products back to inventory. RETURN ITEM Return an item from the invoice and return it back to inventory and adjust the total. You are being asked to enter the number of items that you wish to return. This number can not be larger than the number shown on the invoice. You may abort this operation by pressing the key. NOISE COM NOISE DOC NOISEMAKBAT NOKEY COM NOKEY DOC NOSLOW COM PB2DAT C PB2DAT EXE PCLOCK COM You are now being asked to enter the product code for the item that your customer is purchasing. If you know the product code, you may enter this number followed by the ENTER key. You do not have to enter preceding zeros. If you do not know the product code, you may press the ENTER key for a list of all available products. You may then select the product by scrolling thought the list. If you wish to enter an non-inventory item such as a service, you may enter the product code MISC. You may then manually enter all of the required information. If you wish to abort this operation, you may press the key. TLDOC NE COM NOISE ASM NOISE COM NOISE DOC NOISEMAKBAT NOKEY COM NOKEY DOC NOSLOW COM PB2DAT C PB2DAT EXE PCLOCK COM You are now being asked to enter a discount amount. A discount is an amount that is deducted from the subtotal. If you wish to accept the default amount, you may then press the ENTER key. If you wish to enter a new discount, then you may type over the current amount followed by the ENTER key. If you wish to abort the operation, you may press the key. You are now being asked to enter a shipping amount. Shipping is an amount that is added to the subtotal. If you wish to accept the default amount, you may then press the ENTER key. If you wish to enter a new shipping, then you may type over the current amount followed by the ENTER key. If you wish to abort the operation, you may press the key. GIFEXE EXE GLOSSARYLST HDBCALC COM HDBCALC DOC You are now being asked to enter a tax amount. A tax is an amount that is added to the subtotal. The amount is not to be entered as a percent, but as the amount itself. If you wish to accept the default amount, you may then press the ENTER key. If you wish to enter a new tax, then you may type over the current amount followed by the ENTER key. If you wish to abort the operation, you may press the key. PB2DAT EXE PCLOCK COM You are now being asked to enter the tax and shipping amounts. You have been asked to enter these two amounts together since your customer is required to pay tax on shipping charges. If you wish to accept the default amounts, then you may press the ENTER key. If you wish to change the default amounts, you may then type over the default amount followed by the ENTER key. You may abort this operation by pressing the key. PATH EXE XPORT DOC The shipping date is the date that you are shipping out the product. The form of the date is MM/DD/YY. If you wish to accept the default date, you may press the ENTER If you wish to enter a new date, you may then type over the default date followed by the ENTER key. You may abort this operation by pressing the key. NOKEY DOC NOSLOW COM PB2DAT C PB2DAT EXE PCLOCK COM You may select the form of shipment by scrolling though the items by using the up arrow and down arrow keys. Once the desired item is highlighted, you may press the ENTER key to select it. This is a brief description of each item: UPS Shipment is being done by United Parcel Service. FED EX Shipment is being done by Federal Express. US MAIL Shipment is being done by US mail. TRUCK Shipment is being done by truck. SPECIAL Shipment is being done by any other form. PKUNZIP EXE PKZIP EXE PMIPS DAT PMIPS EXE PRUNE COM PRUNE DOC RELEASE COM RENDIR COM RULER RULER COM RULER DOC SEEMEM DOC SEEMEM EXE SETTRAP EXE SFC DOC The salesman number may be entered by using the salesman number or by scrolling through all of the salesmen. If you know the salesman number, you mey enter this number followed by the ENTER key. Preceding zeros are not necessary. You may scroll through a list of salesman by pressing the ENTER key. A list of salesman will be displayed on the screen and you can scroll to the desired one. You may abort this operation by pressing the key. The order date is the date that you have received the order for the product. The form of the date is MM/DD/YY. If you wish to accept the default date, you may press the ENTER If you wish to enter a new date, you may then type over the default date followed by the ENTER key. You may abort this operation by pressing the key. A TXT LOCK EXE LOG COM LOG DOC MAP COM You are being asked to enter the purchase order number. This number is for reference only and serves no other purpose. You may enter this number followed by the ENTER key. NOISE ASM NOISE COM NOISE DOC NOISEMAKBAT NOKEY COM NOKEY DOC NOSLOW COM PB2DAT C PB2DAT EXE PCLOCK COM Viewing of open invoices shows all invoices that have an open balance. The following options are available: EXIT Exit from viewing open invoices. PRINT INVOICE Print the current invoice. VOID INVOICE Void the current invoice and return all products to inventory. View next invoice. View previous invoice. SEEMEM EXE SETTRAP EXE SFC DOC You are asked to refund the customer a requested amount. This request will not be made again. ECTLCOM MOUSECTLDOC NE COM NOISE ASM NOISE COM NOISE DOC NOISEMAKBAT NOKEY COM NOKEY DOC NOSLOW COM PB2DAT C PB2DAT EXE PCLOCK COM The following listing reports are available: LOW STOCK This report will show all products in the inventory that are falling below their parr values. CUSTOMER This report will list out every customer. INVENTORY This report will list out all of the inventory. SALESMAN This report will list out all of the salesmen. VENDOR This report will list out all of the vendors. EXIT Exit the listing reports. PKZIP EXE PMIPS DAT PMIPS EXE PRUNE COM PRUNE DOC RELEASE COM RENDIR COM RULER RULER COM RULER DOC SEEMEM DOC SEEMEM EXE SETTRAP EXE SFC DOC You can select the date range that the report will be generated for. The following ranges are available: END-OF-DAY Generates a report for all transactions that have taken place for the current day. END-OF-WEEK Generates a report for all transactions that have taken place for the current week. END-OF-MONTH Generates a report for all transactions that have taken place for the current month. END-OF-YEAR Generates a report for all transactions that have taken place for the current year. SELECT RANGE Generates a report for the user selected date range. EXIT Exists the report system. OISE DOC NOISEMAKBAT NOKEY COM NOKEY DOC NOSLOW COM PB2DAT C PB2DAT EXE PCLOCK COM You are being asked to enter the a user specified date range for the report. If you wish to accept the default values, you may press the ENTER If you wish to enter new dates, you may type over the existing dates followed by the ENTER key. You may abort this operation by pressing the key. HDBCALC DOC The vendor number may be entered by using the vendor number or by scrolling through all of the vendors. If you know the vendor number, you mey enter this number followed by the ENTER key. Preceding zeros are not necessary. You may scroll through a list of vendors by pressing the ENTER key. A list of vendors will be displayed on the screen and you can scroll to the desired one. You may abort this operation by pressing the key. The inventory number may be entered by using the inventory number or by scrolling through all of the inventory. If you know the inventory number, you mey enter this number followed by the ENTER key. Preceding zeros are not necessary. You may scroll through a list of inventory by pressing the ENTER key. A list of inventory will be displayed on the screen and you can scroll to the desired one. You may abort this operation by pressing the key. PCLOCK COM The salesman seach can be done by the salesman number followed by the ENTER key. Proceding zeros are not needed. If the search finds the desired item, this item will be displayed on the screen. If the search fails, an error will be displayed. RENDIR COM RULER RULER COM RULER DOC SEEMEM DOC SEEMEM EXE SETTRAP EXE SFC DOC Since you have no vendors entered into the system, you are restricted to the following two commands: EXIT Exit from Vendor Maintenance. ADD Add a new vendor and enter all of the required data. FM DOC FSD COM FULLBAK COM GIFEXE DOC GIFEXE EXE GLOSSARYLST HDBCALC COM HDBCALC DOC The following commands are supported for Vendor Maintenance: EXIT Exit from Vendor Maintenance. ADD Add a new vendor with all of the required data. EDIT Edit information for the current vendor displayed. DEL Delete the current vendor from the system. SEARCH Search for a specified vendor. VIEW View all vendors starting from the current vendor. PGDN Display the next vendor. PGUP Display the previous vendor. <> R6002 - floThe following data can be entered when adding a new vendor: VENDOR NUMBER A unique 8 digit number that identifies the vendor. If you wish to accept the default value you may press the ENTER key otherwise you may type over the existing number followed by the ENTER key. VENDOR NAME The name of the vendor. CONTACT The name of the contact. PHONE The phone number of the vendor. FAX The fax number of the vendor. ADDRESS The address of the vendor. DETAIL A four line detail information. ( The following data can be entered when editing a vendor: VENDOR NAME The name of the vendor. CONTACT The name of the contact. PHONE The phone number of the vendor. FAX The fax number of the vendor. ADDRESS The address of the vendor. DETAIL A four line detail information. The vendor seach can be done by the vendor number followed by the ENTER key. Proceding zeros are not needed. If the search finds the desired item, this item will be displayed on the screen. If the search fails, an error will be displayed. FM DOC FSD COM FULLBAK COM GIFEXE DOC GIFEXE EXE GLOSSARYLST HDBCALC COM HDBCALC DOC The System Maintenance controls all of the system parameters. The commands are as follows: EXIT Exit from System Maintenance. EDIT Edit the System Maintenance parameters. FORM Select the form type for all invoices. MENU Select the type of menu system. INVOICE MSGS Invoice messages can be placed on the invoice. This option selects the message. MODEM Modem configuration setup. HDBCALC DOC Since you have no salesmen entered into the system, you are restricted to the following two commands: EXIT Exit from Salesman Maintenance. ADD Add a new salesman and enter all of the required data. FM DOC FSD COM FULLBAK COM GIFEXE DOC GIFEXE EXE GLOSSARYLST HDBCALC COM HDBCALC DOC The following commands are supported for Salesman Maintenance: EXIT Exit from Salesman Maintenance. ADD Add a new salesman with all of the required data. EDIT Edit information for the current salesman displayed. DEL Delete the current salesman from the system. SEARCH Search for a specified salesman. VIEW View all salesmen starting from the current salesman. PGDN Display the next salesman. PGUP Display the previous salesman. <> R6002 - floating point not loaded R6000 - stack overflow R6003 -The following data can be entered when editing a salesman: WORK NAME The name of which the salesman uses at work. REAL NAME The official name of the saleman. ADDRESS The home address of the salesman. PHONE The home phone number of the salesman. SOC SEC NUM The social security number of the salesman. The following parameters may be edit for System Maintenance: ADDRESS The address of your company. This address can be printed on all the invoices. PHONE The phone number of your company. This number can be printed on all invoices. FAX The fax number of your company. This number can be printed on all invoices. LAST INVOICE The last invoice number that has been generated. LAST CUST The last customer number that has been generated. USE HOT KEYS Hot keys are used on the Main Menu for the Novice Menu System. This allows you to enter a command without pressing the ENTER key. If you wish to use hot keys then press Y otherwise press N. USE LEADING ZEROS Leading zeros are used to proceed all identification numbers. If you wish to use leading zeros then press Y otherwise press N. USE DOUBLE SPACING Reports can be single spaced or double spaced. If you wish to have report double spaced then press Y otherwise press N. SALES TAX This specifies the type of tax that you wish to use. The United States generally only supports State Sales Tax where Canada generally supports State & Federal Sales Tax. It is very important to select the correct type of sales tax. HEXEDIT TXT HEXREAD ME HOTKEY COM HOTKEY DOC INTERRUPLST LIST COM LJVGA COM LJVGA TXT LOCK EXE LOG COM LOG DOC MAP COM Te custom form can be edited to work with your existing forms. Each field has a location on the form. The following commands are available: EXIT Exit from the custom forms. EDIT Edit the current form screen. Display the next form screen. Display the previous form screen. RULER DOC SEEMEM DOC SEEMEM EXE SETTRAP EXE SFC DOC Any field may be edited on the form screen. Each field shows the position on where it will be printed on your form. Field headings will not be printed. Field Cols go from left-to-right starting from zero. Field Rows go from top-to-bottom starting from zero. If you wish to omit a field, then you must blank it out without having any value in it. You may abort this operation by pressing the key. EXE TRAN DOC TRAN EXE System messages are messages may be printed on each invoice. The following commands are allowed: EXIT Exit from the System Messages. EDIT Edit the System Messages. E ASM NOISE COM NOISE DOC NOISEMAKBAT NOKEY COM NOKEY DOC NOSLOW COM PB2DAT C PB2DAT EXE PCLOCK COM The following system messages can be edited. Each message has a position on the invoice. They are positioned by Row and Col. Rows are from top-to-bottom starting with zero. Cols are from left-to-right starting from zero. If you wish to omit a field from being printed, then blank out the field without any value in CHANGE ROW The Row where the prompt 'CHANGE DUE' will be printed. CHANGE COL The Col where the prompt 'CHANGE DUE' will be printed. COMMENT ROW The Row where the comments are to be printed. COMMENT COL The Col where the comments are to be printed. COMMENTS A four line comment that is to be printed on the invoice. RULER RULER COM RULER DOC SEEMEM DOC SEEMEM EXE SETTRAP EXE SFC DOC The Modem Configuration is used for dialing a phone number over the modem. If you do not have a modem, then this feature will be useless to you. The following commands are available: EXIT Exit the Modem Configuration. EDIT Edit the Modem Configuration. ISEMAKBAT NOKEY COM NOKEY DOC NOSLOW COM PB2DAT C PB2DAT EXE PCLOCK COM The following parameters may be edited for the Modem Configuration: MODEM If you wish to use the modem to dial the phone then enter 'Y' otherwise enter 'N'. COM The com port that your modem is connected. Only com 1 or com 2 are supported. AREA CODE This is your local area code number. LONG DISTANCE You may enter your long distance dialing prefix here. Some telephone systems require a '1' to be dialed prior to the area code. . NC BE EXE DI EXE DS EXE DT EXE FA EXE FD EXE FF EXE FI EXE FILEINFOFI FR EXE FS EXE LD EXE LP EXE To continue you may press the ENTER key. MOUSE COM MOUSECTLCOM MOUSECTLDOC NE COM NOISE ASM NOISE COM NOISE DOC NOISEMAKBAT NOKEY COM NOKEY DOC NOSLOW COM PB2DAT C PB2DAT EXE PCLOCK COM A batch of invoices are invoices that have been sent to the printer at an earlier time. Invoices will print in invoice order one at a time. The following options are available: EXIT Exit from printing batch. PRINT BATCH Print the entire batch of invoices. You may select the correct option by moving the highlighting the desired option. You may do this by pressing the left arrow and right arrow keys. Once the desired option is highlighted, you may select it by pressing the ENTER key. The following options are available: GENERIC Selects a generic form. This form will work on any type of printer. HP LASER Selects a HP Laser-Jet form. This form will work on any compatable HP Laser-Jet printer. It will not work with the Desk-Jet printer. CUSTOM Selects the custom form. This form is used for ay commericial pre-printed form. No field headings will be printed. 3You may select the correct option by moving the highlighting the desired option. You may do this by pressing the left arrow and right arrow keys. Once the desired option is highlighted, you may select it by pressing the ENTER key. The following menu options are available: NOVICE This is the regular menu system. ADVANCED This is the advanced menu system that can scroll though the menu items by the cusror keys or a mouse. DYou may select the correct option by moving the highlighting the desired option. You may do this by pressing the left arrow and right arrow keys. Once the desired option is highlighted, you may select it by pressing the ENTER key. The following options are available for phone types: TONE Touch tone phone system. PULSE Rotary phone system. MYou may select the correct option by moving the highlighting the desired option. You may do this by pressing the left arrow and right arrow keys. Once the desired option is highlighted, you may select it by pressing the ENTER key. The following baud rates are available: 0You may select the correct option by moving the highlighting the desired option. You may do this by pressing the left arrow and right arrow keys. Once the desired option is highlighted, you may select it by pressing the ENTER key. You may select any of the following options: EXIT Exits the report. PRINTER Sends the report to the printer. SCREEN Sends the report to the screen. BATCH Sends the report to the batch where it can be printed later. <> R6002 - floating point not loaded R6000 - stack overflow You may select the correct option by moving the highlighting the desired option. You may do this by pressing the left arrow and right arrow keys. Once the desired option is highlighted, you may select it by pressing the ENTER key. You may select any of the following options: EXIT Exits the report. CURRENT Generates the report for all unpaid invoices for the current aging terms. ALL Generates the report for all unpaid invoices and ignoring the aging terms. <> R6002 - floating point not loaded R6000 You may select the correct option by moving the highlighting the desired option. You may do this by pressing the left arrow and right arrow keys. Once the desired option is highlighted, you may select it by pressing the ENTER key. The following options may be selected: EXIT Exits from the report. ALL Generates the report for all salesmen. SINGLE Generates the report for a single salesman. The saleman must then be selected. You may select the correct option by moving the highlighting the desired option. You may do this by pressing the left arrow and right arrow keys. Once the desired option is highlighted, you may select it by pressing the ENTER key. The following options may be selected: EXIT Exits from the report. ALL Generates the report for all customers. SINGLE Generates the report for a single customer. The customer must then be selected. You may select the correct option by moving the highlighting the desired option. You may do this by pressing the left arrow and right arrow keys. Once the desired option is highlighted, you may select it by pressing the ENTER key. The following options may be selected: EXIT Exits from the report. ALL Generates the report for all inventory. SINGLE Generates the report for a single inventory. The inventory must then be selected. You may select the correct option by moving the highlighting the desired option. You may do this by pressing the left arrow and right arrow keys. Once the desired option is highlighted, you may select it by pressing the ENTER key. The following options may be selected: EXIT Exits from the report. ALL Generates the report for all vendors. SINGLE Generates the report for a single vendor. The vendor must then be selected. You may select the correct option by moving the highlighting the desired option. You may do this by pressing the left arrow and right arrow keys. Once the desired option is highlighted, you may select it by pressing the ENTER key. The following options may be selected: EXIT Exits from the report. PRINTER Generates the report to the printer. SCREEN Generates the report to the screen. FILE Generates the report to a specified file. You may now change the customer billing and shipping addresses. If you do not wish to change these addresses, just press . TLDOC NE COM NOISE ASM NOISE COM NOISE DOC NOISEMAKBAT NOKEY COM NOKEY DOC NOSLOW COM PB2DAT C PB2DAT EXE PCLOCK COM You are being asked to enter the shipping method manually. You may enter the shipping method at this prompt followed by the ENTER key. If you wish to cancel this entry, you may press the ESC key. T.,,,,,defopt,esc_flag) ) wbxbybzb{b|b}b~b cSince you are accepting a check you may enter the check number followed by the ENTER key. SHROOM COM SHROOM DOC SIL2 COM SIL2 DOC SLICE COM SLICE DOC SLOWDOWNCOM SLOWDOWNDOC SORTER DOC SORTER EXE SPEED EXE TRAN DOC TRAN EXE Since you are accepting a credit card, you may enter the credit card number and expiration date followed by the ENTER key. 81 82 83 84 86 88 89 90 91 92 94 96 97 100 101 102 103 105 106 109 110 112 115 117 119 121 124 127 129 131 133 135 142 143 146 Since you are accepting a coupon, you may enter the coupon number of coupon name in the account number field. Since you are accepting a form of payment that is not defined, you may enter any information about this tendor in the account number field followed by the ENTER key. CM EXE MCC BAT READ ME The following parameters may be edit for System Maintenance: ADDRESS The address of your company. This address can be printed on all the invoices. PHONE The phone number of your company. This number can be printed on all invoices. FAX The fax number of your company. This number can be printed on all invoices. LAST INVOICE The last invoice number that has been generated. LAST CUST The last customer number that has been generated. USE HOT KEYS Hot keys are used on the Main Menu for the Novice Menu System. This allows you to enter a command without pressing the ENTER key. If you wish to use hot keys then press Y otherwise press N. USE LEADING ZEROS Leading zeros are used to proceed all identification numbers. If you wish to use leading zeros then press Y otherwise press N. USE DOUBLE SPACING Reports can be single spaced or double spaced. If you wish to have report double spaced then press Y otherwise press N. COUNTRY This specifices the country that you are operating inside.